About Us

Internet Communications and Marketing Consulting Services

Our services focus on using any technology available to help you meet your business or organization goals. That includes web site design and development, Internet telecommunications systems, and many other tools that become available as technologies change and your needs and audience change.

We don't do web sites

We don't just create web sites any longer. For years we've helped create web sites for many organizations. We have a lot of experience doing that, but we have learned that many groups that want a web site really haven't taken the time to identify the organizational goals related to using such a powerful communication medium. Because of this, many web sites - even ones we created - have gone dormant, because there was no clear purpose for them and no plan on how they would achieve any measurable goals.

What do we do?

We work with you and your organization to identify goals and help you develop a plan to meet those goals. Then we work with you each month to help ensure that the technologies which you've chosen meet those goals. We then work with you to make changes to those technologies and their deployment to continue the initial benefit far into the future.

How is that different from just a web site?

We don't focus on creating a 'pretty web page', we focus on creating tools that meet your goals - and meet the needs of your audience. We provide results not just a site. This is best proved by one of our recent clients where traffic has more than doubled since our recent re-make (now receiving thousands of visits per week). That same site previously received 2-3 users register per week - now it has 2-3 per DAY! By working with you to understand your organizations needs and your audience, we help turn static communication tools into dynamic avenues for interaction with your audience.

How much does this cost?

Because every project is different, with different goals, we create a custom plan and cost for you when we establish your communications plan. There are no expensive up-front costs. Our initial consultation with you is free. We then charge a flat monthly rate based upon your goals and organization size and type. That ensures that you have a monthly expense which you can easily include in your budget - without surprise costs to add new features and to fix things.

Get your free initial consultation

If you would like to find out how we could assist you meet your organizations goals using all the latest communication technologies please click here.

For Developers Only!

If you are a web developer or work in other communications technology fields and you need some expert assistance with a project you are working on, we do provide project assistance as well as training and mentoring in various technologies. Please click here and let us know what your needs are.


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Paschen Communications has provided technology services for over 25 years, including Internet-related services for over 20 years.

We are not just a 'web site builder'. We work with you to help you develop your entire online communications systems that aid you in building relationships with your clients (and prospective clients).

We don't just work with you while setting up your web site, email system or other technologies, we work with you in an on-going manner to handle all the online technology needs that you have. We get to know your company and try to anticipate your needs and have a solution before they become a problem. We have worked with most of our clients for over 5 years and some over 15 years.

We are also directly involved in web development education, teaching the next generation how to develop effective web sites and provide great value to those that they/we work with.

We provide full services related to web sites (with a special focus on the Joomla Content Management System - CMS).
This includes:

  • Hosting management
  • Content management
  • eCommerce management
  • Template/design customization
  • Custom component development
  • Upgrading (CMS and extensions)
  • On-going system management
  • De-hacking and securing hacked sites
  • General troubleshooting
  • Individualized coaching on all aspects of Joomla!
  • Formal training programs on management of Joomla!

We also provide various levels of support in these complementary (but non-Joomla) areas:

  • Learning Management Systems (LMS, exp. Moodle)
  • Online media systems (podcasting, online video communications, audio and video production, broadcast services)
  • Related support services (Motomo, Plesk, Linux hosting management, email hosting management)

In addition to the technical fields represented here, we also have experience in the performing arts, graphic design, education, retail, and Christian ministry. This gives us the unique ability to easily understand your organization's needs and provide better solutions for those needs.

Chris Paschen is the principal of Paschen Communications and provides direct review and assistance on all projects. He is active in the Joomla! community where he previously served as the Marketing Team Leader and presently serves as the co-leader of the Joomla User Network in the Twin Cities, MN, USA.

Paschen Communications is based in the St. Paul, MN, USA area; however, we serve clients across the country.

For a disclosure of our professional relationships, please click here.


Paschen Communications presently provides services to the following companies (and a list of their products/services, together with the service we provide to them). These companies produce products which may also be used when consulting with or serving other clients.

Companies which we serve who also provide related services (which we may in-turn provide to clients)

We presently do not have any active relationships with other vendors (i.e. extension developers) within the Joomla community.

Affiliate Relationships

We also maintain affiliate relationships with several other providers. Paschen Communications does not earn any profits in relation to using products from one client with another unless specifically stated below. We do receive affiliate commissions when individual users purchase products and services using links on our site (as noted below); however, we do not receive any affiliate commissions when we purchase a product or service 'on behalf' of a client.

We presently do not have any active affiliate relationships with other vendors within the Joomla community.



Companies which we have served in the past (which we may or may not still provide to clients)

Dioscouri.com - (JUGA, Ambra UM/ACL, Ambra Subscriptions, AMIGOS, Billets, Fingertips, MANGA, PhpListIntegration, SCRIBA, SYNK, Content Submit, Embed, Hider, Module:Content with Plugins)

We provided Dioscouri with documentation, promotions, and technical support assistance on a contract basis in the past; however, these services are no longer active.

NOTE: Dioscouri.com is no longer providing Joomla extensions to the community.

ZOOlanders.com - (various ZOO extenions)

We provided ZOOlanders with documentation and technical support assistance on a contract basis.

joomla solutions developer horizontal